The new series, Golden Sisters, follows the outrageous, real-life adventures of Mary, Josie and Teresa, three golden-aged sisters who shot to fame after a web video of the trio viewing the Kardashian sex tape went viral. Golden Sisters premieres with two all-new episodes airing back-to-backMonday, June 17 from 8-9 p.m. ET, and will air back-to-back episodes Mondays at 8 p.m. ET on OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network (Canada).
Mary is in her eighties and twin sisters Josie and Teresa are not far behind, but these three outspoken, fun-loving Bronx-born women are no sweater-knitting, porch-rocking seniors – not by a long shot. They live life to the fullest and rarely say no to an offer to experience something new and exciting. Between them they run a successful salon, a Hollywood talent agency and dole out colourful advice to their growing online fan base. And whether or not you ask them, these spirited, lovable ladies are likely to share their outrageous opinions on everything from sex and dating to celebrities and pop culture. One minute they are squabbling sisters and the next minute they’re best friends, sharing a lifetime of memories and providing an endless supply of laughs.
In this season, the spunky trio head on a road trip to Las Vegas to gamble, have the surprise of their lives when they meet Oprah Winfrey, visit where they grew up in the Bronx to reminisce about the good ol’ days, live la vida loca at the racetrack and much more. Golden Sisters is produced by LMNO Cable Group, Inc. Executive producer is Eric Schotz and co-executive producer is Paul Harrison.
Episode descriptions are below:
Monday, June 17 (8-8:30 p.m. ET) – *PREMIERE* JOSIE’S SALON
Josie founded her salon, Michelangelo Hair House, in the 70’s.Back then, the place was cool, as she says, like “disco.” But as the business grew older over the years, Josie’s loyal clientele grew older with it, and she has come to the realization that it’s time to bring in some fresh young customers. Sisters Mary and Josie are all too happy to help Josie come up with a plan. The Golden Sisters put their heads together and shoot a commercial to spice things up.
Monday, June 17 (8:30-9 p.m. ET) – MARY CHEATS ON JACK
Mary finds out that her favorite singer, Engelbert Humperdinck, who she hasn’t seen in concert in 40 years, will be performing at a nearby casino. With her sisters in tow, Mary is ready for the night of her life – and the man of her dreams. Mary wants Engelbert to notice her, so the girls decide to get makeovers. At the concert, Mary can hardly contain her excitement after Engelbert finishes singing her favorite song, “Please Release Me” and she storms the stage while Josie and Teresa watch in disbelief.
Monday, June 24 (8-8:30 p.m. ET) – TERESA’S AGENCY
The girls get a tweet while eating lunch: “What is the biggest risk you’ve ever taken?” For Teresa, it was buying a talent agency and learning the job on the fly. Her claim to fame was discovering Shia LaBeouf and now it’s time to discover new actors during pilot season. Teresa’s assistant is out sick, leaving her alone in the busiest time of year in Hollywood. With nowhere else to turn, she calls her sisters to come save the day, but calamity ensues when she realizes they don’t know the first thing about running an office.
Monday, June 24 (8:30-9 p.m. ET) – WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS…
Mary heads to her favorite place in the world, Las Vegas, and Josie and Teresa aren’t about to miss out on the fun – or the large buffets. Mary will compete in a casino poker tournament at the Palazzo Venetian, so the Sisters decide to take Vegas on like seasoned veterans prepping for a full day of gambling, a lot of food and a lot more gambling. Things get messy when Teresa tries a “Master Cleanse” to make room for all the Vegas food. They have a great time until one of the sisters breaks the rules, but whatever happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.