This month, Canadians can experience fascinating and remote places on Earth from the comfort of their homes with Love Nature as part of the channel’s nationwide free preview event running until January 2, 2022. The programming line-up includes Shadowlands, a three part series taking place in the remote southern latitudes of our planet where marine life require resilience to survive; Animals and Love, a show exploring how animals meet, mate and in some cases form lifelong relationships; and four one-hour specials from the Natural World collection, each one following a wide range of animals, from owls and pangolins to otters and leopards. Canadians will get to watch in-depth stories bringing them closer to nature with all-new special series and documentaries celebrating the wonders and complexity of wildlife. Love Nature’s linear television channels are now in free preview across Canada until January 2, 2022. For Love Nature’s full programming line-up, visit our website here.
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Free Preview Programming Highlights
Shadowlands (3×60’; 4K)
December 5 at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT
In the remote southern latitudes of our planet, marine life requires resilience to survive and thrive. Wildlife dramas play out in snow-capped fiords where saltwater mixes with fresh, under grey skies where warm currents meet cold Antarctic waters, and on freezing beaches. The world’s most southerly bottlenose dolphins, sub-Antarctic sealions and rare Fiordland crested penguins have made these challenging habitats their own. They’re joined by migrating spider crabs, hagfish, seahorses and endemic fish sea creatures usually found in much deeper water. Each has their own way to endure the extremes of the Shadowlands. -
Natural World: Owls Behind the Magic (1×60’; HD)
December 11 at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT
With their charismatic faces and extraordinary head-turning ability, owls are one of our best-loved birds. And yet it’s rare to catch more than a glimpse of one in the wild. These mysterious birds haunt our night, floating through the darkness with an eerie silence. But how do they see in the dark? And how do they fly so silently? With the help of world leading scientists, Natural World reveals the magic behind the owls’ super powers. Through the eyes of Barn Owl chicks, Luna and Lily, it also gives us a unique insight into their world -
Natural World: Pangolins – The World’s Most Wanted Animal (1×60’; HD)
December 11 at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT
The endearing pangolin is a little-known scaly mammal. Found in Africa and Asia, these shy creatures have developed an unfortunate tagline – they are the most poached and illegally trafficked animals in the world. Based in Namibia, conservationist Maria Diekmann is working to save them. On an emotional journey, Maria travels to Vietnam, Thailand and China to better understand the global issues facing pangolins, before joining forces with a Chinese megastar to help build a campaign to bring awareness to the plight of an animal most people have never even heard of until the COVID-19 pandemic. -
Natural World: Supercharged Otters (1×60’; HD)
December 16 at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT
Otters are playful, adaptable and champion swimmers – they’ve captivated cameraman Charlie Hamilton James for the last 25 years. He’s filmed them more than anyone else and now, through the eyes of three orphaned river otters, a set of ground-breaking experiments and some incredible wild encounters, Charlie wants to reveal their survival secrets and exactly why he believes they’re so special. -
Animals and Love (2×60’; HD)
December 18 at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT
In Animals and Love, presenter Liz Bonnin sets out to explore how animals meet, mate and in some cases form lifelong relationships? How do they choose who to spend their lives with? What makes them opt for one partner over another and are they really as attached to their mates as they sometimes seem? In this ground-breaking new series, we discover that when it comes to friendship and affection humans have more in common with animals than we might first expect. Animals and Love reveals that there is more to animal relationships than meets the eye and reveals some of the animal kingdom’s greatest love stories. Finally, Liz Bonnin asks one of the most fundamental questions there is: do animals love? -
Natural World: Fishing Leopards (1×60’; HD)
December 28 at 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT
In the remote Botswana bush two leopard cubs must evade the jaws of more powerful predators as they discover extraordinary new ways to survive. Leopards are loners, and famously secretive. But in a wild corner of Botswana a magic door into their world opens up when filmmaker Brad Bestelink discovers a mother with two young cubs. In a nerve-wracking journey packed with danger, humour and extraordinary revelation, Brad and fellow-cameraman Richard Uren reveal the life and struggles of their newly adopted family: a reckless, fumbling young male, his cautious twin sister, and their amazingly resourceful mother. The film team knows it’s highly unlikely that both cubs will survive to adulthood.